Friday, January 16, 2009

Its all calm before the storm..

Happy Friday!

The interns and I are contemplating taking our tired little bodies out for drinks or some other non-work related activity after work.. I don't think I'll join, however the sheer excitement of not having to wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow makes my little heart jump..

Today I finished writing my first story.. It took me a record (drum rolllllll) 3 days to write. I know.. thats awful for an aspiring newspaper journalist. Keep in mind the first day I spent "researching" the topic and not making many phone calls at all..

Leon Swain at the D.C. Taxicab commission is the hardest person to get a hold of.. I called Mrs. McKinney, a very rude receptionist, continuously for three days (the one phone call I did make on day one) only to hear that Mr. Swain was "in a meetin' right now, can ya call back in a hour?" What kind of meeting takes three days? I'll tell you what kind.. the kind that The Post has access to.

Needless to say, The Post got the interview and the story and my messages have gone unanswered. Well done Post reporter.

I got my photo taken for the website as well today.. I hope I don't look nearly as tired as I feel.

Please register with to read all the stuff I make up.

Today was incredibly slow.. hence the title of this blog. This weekend we are supposed to play with all the gadgets Jody bought for the interns. Next week brings a host of issues that apparently we are supposed to just figure out when we get there.

Our duties on the day of the inauguration include taking video interviews, photos, writing stories and twittering the event for Ventura County. ? We also get to ask celebrities who they think will win the superbowl for a poll.

Ive come to one conclusion: When working for a wire service, you have not one.. but many, many bosses.

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