We woke up at the office at the crack of dawn. Usually, I am a morning person and immediately perk up within a few minutes regardless of the nights sleep. Yesterday was different though, after a very cold and uncomfortable night, I was fixing to tell Barack to wait until after breakfast.
We left the office at 8 a.m. sharp (one hour later than we expected to leave) and joined the masses of people. I was with Megan and Emily, a.k.a. super navigators.
We weaved in and out of lines trying to get passed barricades flashing our congressional press passes. It was a lot like a movie I have to say. I felt untouchable -- that is until we joined something resembling a line but it was more like a two lines joined at the front with us squished in the middle.
I met Myrtle Bell, an older woman from Austin, Texas. She said she was lucky to be born black, and even luckier to be born a democrat.

I have one complaint.. Now, Im definitely not in the George Bush Fanclub, but I could have done without the booing when he was announced.
Really the whole time I was in awe of what was happening in front of me. People young, old, black and white were joined together in this very peacful moment.. like we all could have joined hands at that moment. all 2 million of us.. to sing kumbaya.
So I wasn't completely graceful.. When President Obama was given the gun salut, Emily and I (who were not expectiong the loud noises) kind of freaked out. Megan was completely calm while emily gripped my arm and looked around.. frantically? Sorry Emily but you did look pretty freaked out.. Everything went off without a hitch.. or so we thought.. ! Apparently, there was some sort of mix up and Obama started reading his speech early.
After we made our way out toward the north side of the Capitol, we found ourselves with piles and piles of vendors selling insane Obama souvenirs. I never thought I, Alex Hering, would see an Obama hand puppet with my own eyes. Also, there were festive calenders, snowglobes, t-shirts, energy 'stix', pins, hats, scarves, Obama bedazzled beanies and so much more.
I have a photo of the O-BAH-MAH energy 'stix' at work.. will attatch it later.
I came back to the office, bought some gumbo and left again on another assignment. Congressman Ortiz from Corpus Christi was having a party at the Capitol and I was in charge of getting photos and video for the Corpus Christi Caller Times.
With in two hours of returning from the Capitol, I managed to write a story for the University Star about the 10 College Democrats (txstate) who made thier way to D.C. for the inaugural. This is the front page of the University Star. The text is very small but you can read it on the wire .. its only slightly amended.
(sign up to get all of our stories here, its free.)
All in all, it was an amazing day.. everyone, even the folks that didnt make it into viewing areas said they were happy to be in the "presence of history being made."
This blog was a day late but I'm glad I could document it.. I wouldnt want to forget any bit of it.
ps: Today Fox texted me that she was proud of me. Be jealous. :)
omg i freaked haha! completely terrified.